Imes International B.V.
Imes is a full-service medical device company providing services in the field of opthalmology specialized in Excimer Lasers.
Imes is a full-service medical device company which is selling, leasing and providing after-sales support of new and used opthalmic equipments since 2009. Imes is exporting from Turkey and The Netherlands to more than twenty countries by virtue of its worldwide experience and professional network.
At Imes, we use a result-oriented approach to provide tailor-made solutions for domestic and international clients with our experienced team of engineers. Imes develops and manages turn-key eye hospital projects providing the complete range of medical equipments along with the various services related to these projects.

Imes International B.V. provides ımport-export, sales and after-sales technical support services for internationally branded advanced technology ophthalmic and optical devices.
Selected References